March 9, 2025

Bret Louka

Efficient Home Construction

10 Tips For Maintaining Your Home Furniture


Buying new furniture is a big decision. It’s also an expensive one—not to mention that it can be difficult to find the right pieces for your home. But once you’ve invested in a piece of furniture, shouldn’t you make sure that it lasts as long as possible? Of course! That’s why we’ve put together this guide on how to maintain your home furniture. We’ll cover everything from cleaning and sanitizing regularly to protecting your bookshelves from damage, spills and splashes, pet hair, dirt and grease.

Cleaning and Sanitizing Regularly

Regularly clean and sanitize your furniture. Cleaning your furniture regularly will prevent grime from building up, which can be difficult to remove once it’s there. To clean wood pieces, use a mild soap or detergent and wipe down the surfaces with a damp cloth. Use a vacuum cleaner on fabrics to remove dirt and dust from cracks between cushions; for leather pieces, use only warm water or saddle soap (available at most hardware stores).

Air Drying Before Storing

Air drying your furniture is a better option than drying it in the sun. The sun’s UV rays can damage the wood and create warping, while air drying allows you to control how long to let it sit out on your deck or patio. You can also use fans to help speed up this process, but don’t forget to turn them off before bringing your furniture back inside!

To properly prepare for storage:

  • Air-dry all pieces thoroughly before storing them away for the winter months (or any other time period). This will prevent mold growth and other issues that could arise from moisture being trapped inside of them while they’re not being used regularly by homeowners who live in areas where temperatures drop below freezing every year

Maintaining Beds and Mattresses

  • Keep mattresses and box springs clean: Mattresses should be flipped and rotated regularly to ensure even wear. If your bed has a removable cover, it’s also important to wash your mattress cover at least once every three months. You can do this by hand or with a vacuum cleaner; just make sure that you put the mattress in the dryer on low heat after washing it!
  • Clean up spills right away: If there is any spillage on your furniture, make sure that you clean up any liquid spills immediately so they don’t soak into the wood or fabric of your furniture piece over time–this will cause damage that cannot easily be undone later on down the road when trying (and failing) at DIY repairs.”

Protecting Bookcases From Damage

Protecting Bookcases From Damage

Bookcases are a great way to display your favorite books and keep them organized, but if you don’t take care of them properly, they can quickly become damaged. Luckily, there are some ways that you can protect your bookcase from damage:

  • Use adjustable shelves so that you can maximize storage space without having to buy more than one piece of furniture.
  • If the bookcase has an open backside rather than closed sides or doors, make sure it has something behind it (like another piece of furniture) so that books don’t fall over when pulled out too far.

Spills and Splashes

The first thing to do when a spill happens is to clean it up as soon as possible. Use a damp cloth to wipe up the spill, then dry with another towel. If you can’t clean up the spill immediately, place a towel on top of the spot and absorb any liquid that may have seeped through. This will prevent staining from occurring until you have time later on in the day or week (or whenever works best for your schedule).

Protecting Wood Furniture From the Sun

  • Use a UV protection spray.
  • Protect from heat and humidity.
  • Don’t leave in direct sunlight for long periods of time, especially if it’s an antique piece that has been passed down through generations of your family!
  • Don’t use harsh chemicals to clean wood furniture as they can damage the finish on some types of wood, especially those with a high oil content such as teak or mahogany..

Choosing the Right Fabric Protector for Your Furniture

The right protector for your furniture depends on the type of fabric. Fabric protectors are available in various forms, including sprays, wipes and liquids.

For instance, if you have a chair with leather upholstery or a sofa with cotton-blend upholstery (like linen), then you’ll need to choose a product that is suitable for these materials. If the fabric is woolen or silk-like in nature, it’s advisable that you use an alternative method–such as dry cleaning–to clean them instead of applying a liquid protector directly onto them.

Protecting Leather Furniture Against Dampness and Humidity

Leather furniture should be treated with care. It’s not just about keeping your leather sofa looking shiny and new; it’s also about maintaining its structural integrity by keeping it dry and free from water damage. Here are some tips for protecting your leather furniture:

  • Use a leather conditioner regularly to keep your sofa looking great, but don’t use water on the surface! Instead of dampening a cloth with water and wiping down your couch (which could cause stains), apply a small amount of conditioner directly onto the cloth and wipe off any dust or dirt that accumulates over time.
  • Don’t leave the cushions exposed to direct sunlight for extended periods of time–this can cause them to fade over time due to UV exposure.* If you’re having trouble finding something specific online then try searching “home goods stores near me” or something similar instead!

Protecting Furniture from Pet Hair, Dirt, Grease and Accidents

  • Clean up spills immediately. Spills can be difficult to remove and may leave stains on your furniture if they are left to dry.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to clean pet hair. Regularly cleaning your pet’s bedding is one way you can help prevent hair from accumulating on the floor, but it won’t eliminate all of it. A regular use of a vacuum cleaner will help keep pet hair off your furniture and carpets as well as removing dust mites, pollen and dirt that have accumulated since last time you cleaned those areas with a broom or broom-like tool (e.g., Swiffer).
  • Don’t use harsh chemicals on your furniture–especially if you have children or pets around! While some people swear by household cleaners like bleach or ammonia when trying to remove stains from wood surfaces like tables or chairs at home; these chemicals should really only be used for large commercial jobs where there aren’t any concerns about exposure risks associated with using them in close proximity with humans (or animals).

Here are some tips on how to maintain your home furniture.

  • Keep your furniture clean. When you’re not using it, cover your furniture with a dustcover or slipcover to protect it from dirt, dust and pet hair (if applicable).
  • Protect from moisture. If you have an area in your home that gets lots of humidity during the winter months (like a bathroom), then consider placing table lamps on low tables so they don’t get wet when using them as nightlights or reading lights by the tub/shower. You can also use felt pads underneath metal legs to prevent scratches on hardwood floors or tile floors if there’s no carpeting underfoot.* Protect from sun damage with sunscreen! Sunlight causes fading over time – especially when left uncovered outside in direct sunlight without any protection against UV rays.* Avoid spills by using coasters under drinks at parties; this is especially important if there are kids around who might accidentally knock over drinks onto expensive wood surfaces.* Keep pets away from furniture meant for humans only! It may seem like fun for them at first but could lead down an ugly road later down the line when it comes time for repairs…


We hope you’ve found these tips helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out! We’re here to help you make your home a better place.